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If you have any inquiries to Yamae Group Holdings Co., Ltd., please contact us using the form below.

  1. Input
  2. Completed

When you enter the information

  • Depending on the content you have filled out, it may take some time to answer.
  • As a general rule, we will reply by e-mail, but please note that depending on the content, we may contact you by a method other than e-mail such as telephone. Also, if you enter your e-mail address or phone number is incomplete, we may not be able to contact you, so be careful not to make a mistake.
  • The content of the response was addressed to the customer. Responses to divert part or all of the contents of the response email is strictly prohibited.
  • Mail will be received automatically on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, New Year's holidays, etc., but the e-mail will be opened and answered after the next business day. Also, please note that even if the message is sent after 17:00 on weekdays, the opening and answering will be made after the next business day.
  • Sales and solicitations from this inquiry form are strictly prohibited. Even if you send it, we will not be able to respond.

For those who do not receive the e-mail from our company

If you do not receive an automatic reply e-mail or an e-mail from the person in charge after the inquiry is completed, it may be treated as spam due to security software or email filtering function. Please check "Spam folder", "Junk mail folder", "Delete folder", etc.

    Handling of personal information

    The personal information you have entered,This will be used to respond to inquiries.
    It will not be used for any other purpose.

    After agreeing to the Personal Information Protection Policy,Please contact me.
    Contact type
    Your name
    E-mail address
    For confirming email adderss

    ※If you have set e-mail reception rejection settings, please cancel the domain designation of "".

    I wish to reply